Kevin I, like you, have a need to wash in the most careful way. I use towels, and dry same, in the household dryer with out any smell good agent. Each is washed with no souap, in warm water after each use. My 2003 SSR black, needs 6 to 8 towels after each wash. Question ? we are in a hard water system, have you heard of any method ie filters to run the rinse system thru to clean the water of lime, metals and or other factor which do cause water stains? Automoblie dealers have systems to treat the water, but these systems cost many bucks. Looking for a treatment system at the wash point hose ..
John you are in luck, check out the Mr. Clean Auto Dry Car Wash system.
You can find it at most auto parts stores if you don’t want to buy online.
Happy Washing,
Kevin Schappell