Comments on: Little Black or Brown Spots on Car Helping you learn more about your car. Wed, 02 Oct 2013 14:45:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Sun, 29 Nov 2009 02:26:17 +0000 Black Spots Removal

My Toyota Camry is a light tan color and it got coated this summer with about 1000 spots from the Artillery Fungus. I tried removing the spots with mouthwash on an area of a paper towel and used elbow grease and a thumbnail to help the process. The spots came right off, but removing the residual took about 15-20 seconds per spot.

Then it started to mist (light rain) and I was about ready to call it quits. After a few minutes, I noticed that they came off easier. Later, I just used my thumbnail. The residual came off very easily as a black powder in the water. I used paper towel to wipe off the remains. Removal time was down to two seconds for most spots and the few tough spots took up to 10 seconds. The next day was sunny and again about 55F and I had to remove the few spots that were missed. They smeared and had a lot of residual and again took about 20 seconds to remove.

Summary: Work in the rain!

By: Zenith Detail Fri, 09 Oct 2009 01:19:14 +0000 Maybe a little polishing will help? Burnishing the paint’s finish is a final perfecting step wherein a pad with zero cutting capability is used with an ultra fine polish ultimately at very slow speeds.

By: Sqrach Fri, 22 May 2009 23:43:52 +0000 I have a tip you may want to add. After going through a high pressure wash and super turbo drying the spores stayed. However, if you take a micro fiber towel you don’t need to use any force. You can literally just hold it by the edge and lightly drag and glide it along the surface. This will basically vacuum up the spores. Micro fiber is much better to use over cotton. I don’t know if it’s the design or maybe the electrostatic (especially after wash/dry) or maybe both. My car is black so the actual marks I have to work on. As far as removing the spores this seems to remove most if not all in a minute or two. No liquids. Just a dry cloth/towel and then I just shake it and they fall off.
I tried using detail after with a micro fiber pad and it picked up any remaining ones. I was disappointed at first because I thought they were gone, but now I realize this was step 2 in getting them gone all together.
Microfiber is awesome. Really, look on wikipedia, they show up close why it’s better than cotton. I’m trying to learn about these spore things as much I can so I’ll let you know if I find better solutions.
