Winter Car Care Tips

As the weather turns colder, it is time to think about
your car for a second. A little preparation can go a long way to making your winter travels a lot safer. Here is a checklist to get you started.

1. Check the antifreeze. The freezing point can be checked with a simple tool available at any auto parts store. Make sure you check the antifreeze when it’s cool. Opening a hot radiator can be a dangerous thing.

2. Check the air pressure in your tires. As the air gets cooler pressure drops in your tires. Maintaining your tire pressures will reward you with higher gas mileage and longer tire life.

3. Make sure you have the following items in your car.
- Ice Scrape
- Salt or sand for traction
- Blanket in case you are stranded and need to keep warm
- Good first aid kit (not just for winter)
- Road flare

4. Check all belts and hoses. As the temperature drops rubber tends to stiffen and break a lot easier. Make sure all your rubber hoses and belts are in tip-top shape.

5. Treat your gas tank to a can of gas line antifreeze before the cold weather strikes. The additive will remove any water in the system and prevent your fuel lines from freezing.

6. Check your tires for wear. Make sure you have plenty of tread left to get you through the snow. Nothing is worse than 3″ of snow and bald tires.

Before heading out on the road, make sure your windows and mirrors are cleared of all ice and snow for maximum visibility.   Also don’t forget the snow on the roof of your car, many states are giving out tickets to drivers who fail to clean off the snow from their cars, which creates a hazard flying down the road at 55MPH.

Good luck and safe driving,

Kevin Schappell


Posted: 16th January 2006  |  Author: Kevin Schappell  |  Category: Car Care

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