Are you a teenage driver or college student out on his/her own and need to learn more about your car? I have created a new podcast series geared directly toward you. This first installment is all about checking your car’s fluids.
My 96 Grand Cherokee in otherwise good condition stopped running last week
and the shop hasn’t figured out how to restart it - some complicated
electrical problem - so would like to know how to sell it for junk and how
much to expect for it. The “sold by owner” blue book value is $4500.
I question how [...]
Detroit News - Could Detroit possibly still not be getting the message? Even as Toyota and other automakers respond to the public’s clear appetite for increased fuel efficiency, U.S. automakers are actually introducing heavier and heavier cars that gulp gasoline
Ford to Cut US Production Dramatically
Axcess News - cutting production isn’t enough, critics say, to win [...]
I have a 2000 BMW 328I that the auxillary fan on the radiator will not stop
runnning unless I unplug the connection. Is there a switch that may need
replacing? What & where should I look?
Insurance Company Advertisements Deceive (part 3 of 4)
If some of the millions of dollars spent on advertising auto insurance would be devoted to fair payment of injured insured’s’ own claims against their own company, we probably wouldn’t even have to make mention of this. However, the advertisers’ portrayal of insurance responsiveness with homey images, [...]