September 8th, 2006
Smart Wheels, Hot Deals: Buying, Leasing and Insuring the Best Car for the Least Money Readers learn the details they need to immerse themselves in the decision-making process:
* Should you buy or lease a new car?
* Is there any logical way to choose between buying a new car and a used one?
* How do these choices affect the kind and amount of insurance you need? The auto industry has moved significantly online, and smart consumers have to do more research and analysis by themselves whether or not they end up buying their cars online or through a traditional dealer. The upside? The average consumer can make a better deal than ever before; the downside is that the buyer has to learn more detail and jargon. For example, two-year leases are called “crackhead deals” and lawsuit-proof black holes of premium dollars’ are the off-shore minimum-coverage insurance companies.
Customer Review: A must-read before you buy a car
This practical guide to buying, financing and insuring a car (new or used) comes in compact format, so you can bring it along as you go car-shopping. It gives comprehensive coverage on negotiating on a deal, choosing the right financing alternatives, shopping for insurance, and even has a chapter on selling your car. While price negotiation coverage is not as deep as that in the excellent “What Car Dealers Don’t Want You to Know,” this book explains clearly the myriad terms used by the car industry, terms that are designed to confuse you into paying more than necessary.
This is a preview of
Smart Wheels, Hot Deals: Buying, Leasing and Insuring the Best Car for the Least Money
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August 23rd, 2006
A podcast on how to save money at the pump ! Complain all you want about the high gas prices, but did you know there is something you can do about it ! No goofy gadgets to put on your engine, only simple changes to save you 10 – 20% at the pumps !
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August 21st, 2006
Are you a teenage driver or college student out on his/her own and need to learn more about your car? I have created a new podcast series geared directly toward you. This first installment is all about checking your car’s fluids.
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August 21st, 2006
I have a 2000 BMW 328I that the auxillary fan on the radiator will not stop
runnning unless I unplug the connection. Is there a switch that may need
replacing? What & where should I look?
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August 19th, 2006
Don’t Get Taken Every Time: The Insider’s Guide to Buying or Leasing Your Next Car or Truck Customer Review: A must read
Everyone in the US buys a car at some point. Whether it’s a new or used car this book tells you how to buy a car the right way. Think of it as an investment. Spend a little for this book, save a huge amount when buying a car.
It’s hard to say enough about this book. Highly, highly recommended.
Customer Review: Don’t Buy A Car Without Reading This Book!
An incisive look at a dog-eat-dog business. Helps the car buyer through the major pitfalls of purchasing a new or used car which, unfortunately, exist at just about every stop in the car dealership.
For car buyers willing to do their homework, there is no reason to get ripped off. Sutton shows you how to arm yourself with some common-sense tactics that almost anyone can use.
An amusing sidebar for me was, after reading Sutton’s book, was having several salespeople AND managers ask me if I was a former car lot manager. I just smiled inscrutibly and answered that I had ‘contacts’ in the business.
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