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     I started using PayPal when I got involved in E-Bay auctions and was very happy with their service and ease of use.  I highly recommend establishing a PayPal account and using it for your online transactions.  PayPal keeps you from having to type out your address and other key information when placing orders, simply enter your e-mail address and password, what could be easier?  Click here to sign up today.

      I use PayPal as my online credit card processor due to their affordable fees and ease of use.  I then pass the savings onto you.  If you have any questions about PayPal before you order from my site, or anytime, please e-mail me. You do not have to keep money in your PayPal account and there is no cost to create an account. 

     If you prefer to not use your credit card online, please use our order form to send payment through the mail.


Thank you,

Kevin Schappell



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