
  • What IS All This Stuff in My Car Emergency Kit and WHAT is it For?

    Posted on May 12, 2012 by kevin

    If you don't believe that driving is risky business, you should ask your insurance company about it. Checking in with services like CarInsuranceQuotes.net can clarify for you exactly how much risk your incurring just by getting behind the wheel (let alone getting behind the wheel sleepy, in the rain or snow, or otherwise not your best). Given your odds of having an accident, it's relatively important to know what is in your emergency kit and how to use it. Do people ever really use it? If they knew what was in there, they probably would a lot more!

    Road Flares at Night

    One of the more common items that appears in a car emergency kit is a set of road flares. If you've ever broken down on the side of the road in the middle of the night, then you know how scary it can be. Not only do you have to worry about people paying attention to your hazard lights, but you have to try to change your tire or fix whatever the problem is. Flares are meant to alert drivers to your presence. This reduces any danger to you and your family inside the vehicle.

    Your First Aid Kit

    Feel free to rearrange the first aid supplies that should be included in your emergency kit into whatever configuration you prefer. In fact, if you personalize it to what your family needs, then it will actually be a valuable part of your vehicle. Consider adding some aspirin or pain medication in case someone gets a minor injury. Bandages and tape are always a good idea to take care of cuts and other situations. Inhalers or a couple of doses of any prescription medications your family needs are also good uses of first aid kit space. These can be a literal life saver in situations where you're stranded.

    Other Tools

    A rescue tool should also be one of the first things you add. Oftentimes, these are manufactured to break windows in an emergency. If you're ever stuck somewhere and cannot get out, this will give you the mechanical means to do so. Of course, that means you're going to need to keep your first aid kit in the car instead of the trunk, but it will be more helpful that way.

    Also consider adding emergency foil blankets, snacks, and some gloves. If you're stuck outside the car for any time at all, you'll be able to keep warm. Once you figure out how to decode your car emergency kit, then you'll see why they recommend it for everyone. If you prepare for anything, you'll be ready for anything!

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  • EZ-Pass Velcro Replacement

    Posted on September 13, 2010 by kevin

    Did you ever wonder what type of Velcro is holding your EZ-Pass onto your windshield? Click the title to find out.

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  • Most creative car mod!

    Posted on August 3, 2010 by kevin




    Yes that is a house Air Conditioning unit in the window with a gasoline powered generator powering it !!!

    So when the guy goes to the gas station, he has to fill the gas tank on the car, and the generator.  I think if you take a step back and look at this scenario, you could sell the generator and A/C unit and have more than enough to fix your A/C

    Thanks to my friend Randy for posting this picture on Facebook.  It was taken in Reading PA, at a Walmart of all places… go figure !

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  • Auto Warranty Scam - Telemarketers Caught

    Posted on June 17, 2009 by kevin

    Fox News has broken the story... read more. If you have not received a call from these guys, consider yourself lucky.  I have personally gotten 3 calls within the last few months on my cell phone to extend a warranty for a vehicle I no longer owned.  Most of the time, it was a recording or simply a hang-up which I traced online to the warranty company. Remember,  Always be wary when someone calls you.  If you want to get a quote, check out reputation online with the BBB and go with recommendations from friends and family.  The most trustworthy option would be to buy a warranty from the dealer who sold the car when new, but you can shop online and get better pricing from our trusted partner...  Warranty Direct They have an excellent BBB rating and are one of the "good guys" in the aftermarket warranty market. Take Care, Kevin Schappell

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  • Spring is here, time to wax and shine up your ride.

    Posted on April 20, 2009 by kevin

    Autoeducation.com is off to visit the Turtle Wax facility in Chicago, IL.  We have been invited for a tour of their labs and test center to see their latest and greatest products.  We will report when we get back and I am sure we will have some great information to keep your car or truck looking like new. Kevin

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